Normally we can quote over the phone
and if required, we can visit you to take a better look at the job in hand.
When we agree to have a job completed by a certain date, we stand over our agreement!
Our quick and efficient work has satisfied many, many customers since 1996.Read more ABOUT US.
What We Do
Impartial Advice
We can advise you on the best course of action to follow. If you are worried about a particular job, we will explain what is involved, and how it can work with your house or business.
Often our customers will refer us to their neighbours for additional work – we are proud to say that most of our work still comes from referrals.
Domestic Work
We Are Experts In:
Commercial Work
We Specialise In:
Let us show you how quick, cheap and efficient we can be!
Cut Your Energy Bills
To see what we can do in the areas of Renewable Energy, Solar Panels, EV Chargers and much more, please visit our dedicated website:
Registered & Certified

Since 2011
We have completed hundreds of projects and our track record speaks for itself.
Our business model is to simply deliver on what we promise, and give full transparency to the customer.